During the process of building Thornwilde Elementary School, there was little question that administrators would use nora flooring throughout the school, as the flooring has essentially become a standard for the district’s new construction and renovation projects. The Boone County (KY) School District began using nora products in the early 2000s, as they looked for a solution that required minimal upkeep – in terms of time and budget. At Thornwilde, administrators used nora in many areas, including all classrooms, corridors and the cafeteria, to achieve a comfortable and consistent learning atmosphere. During school breaks and summer months, maintenance staff use the chemical-free nora® pro clean system to help restore the flooring and make it look like new again. With its consistent appearance, low maintenance requirements and durability to endure relentless foot traffic and other rigors of an elementary school, nora flooring has been, and will continue to be, a staple for schools in Boone County.