Imprint / Legal notice


Company Details


nora systems GmbH
Höhnerweg 2-4
D - 69469 Weinheim
Tel.: (+49) 6201 - 80 6633
Fax.: (+49) 6201 - 88 2672

Management Board:

Anton van Keken, Robert Heeres

Chairman of the supervisory board:

Nigel Stansfield

Trade register:

Amtsgericht Mannheim, HRB 703230

Sales tax identification number:


Responsible for content pursuant to § 5 TMG (German Telemedia Act), § 55 RStV ( German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty)

nora systems GmbH 
Dirk Oswald
Hoehnerweg 2-4 
69465 Weinheim, Germany 
Phone: +49 (0) 62 01 80-0 
Fax: +49 (0) 62 01 88-0



The copyright to the contents of the website, in particular its text content, images, graphics, sounds, animations, videos and integrated documents as well as their arrangement and the compilation of links, belongs exclusively to nora systems GmbH or its affiliates companies or are used with the permission of the owners (see below). The contents of this website may not be copied, distributed, modified, published, stored in an information system or made accessible to third parties either for commercial or dissemination purposes except with the prior written approval of nora systems GmbH.

Guarantee, disclaimer of liability

The utmost care was taken in compiling the texts, references and images. The information on the website is nevertheless not binding. nora systems GmbH does not give any guarantee for the accuracy, precision, actuality or completeness of the information provided on this website. nora systems GmbH will not assume any liability for the contents of websites of third parties referenced by nora systems GmbH by means of links. We explicitly point out that nora systems GmbH has absolutely no influence whatsoever over the design and content of the linked websites. This applies to all links given on our website and to all content of the websites to which the links lead. Links leading to websites outside of this website are used at the responsibility of the user. The trademark rights of the respectively registered owners are to be observed. nora systems GmbH reserves the right to amend or supplement the information provided without prior notice.

Interior Design Studio – uploaded images: The pictures being processed in our application only provide an impression of your selected room scene. No warranties (color, application area etc.) or rights can be diluted from using this tool.

Under no circumstances whatsoever can nora systems GmbH be held liable for damages, irrespective of the legal grounds, that originate from the use of this or a linked website. Also excluded is any liability for loss of earnings, operational interruption, loss of programs and other data. This also applies if we are specifically notified of the possibility that such losses may occur.

The foregoing disclaimer of liability does not apply if damage to the life, limbs or health of people has occurred due to culpable action on the part of nora systems GmbH or its vicarious agents, or if any other damage has occurred due to deliberate or grossly negligent action on the part of nora systems GmbH.


Trademark rights

The 'nora' trademark as well as any other registered trademarks used on this website have been registered for the company, country or a company affiliated with nora systems GmbH.

Data protection

Wherever the user of this website is requested to submit personal details, nora systems GmbH undertakes to handle the data submitted to it with the utmost care by observing the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act. This data will not be passed on to a third party without the approval of the user. Data will only be forwarded, insofar as is necessary, to companies belonging to the nora Group that are affiliated with nora systems GmbH.

How to Contact us
Flooring Finder
Room Designer
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