A Comforting Atmosphere
Asante-Rogue Regional Medical Center (A-RRMC) in Medford, OR, is a facility operated by the Asante Health System, a family-owned organization that provides comprehensive medical care to more than 580,000 people in nine counties throughout southern Oregon and northern California. A-RRMC has 378 licensed beds and a reputation for expertise in cardiology, stroke care and other medical specialties. Designated as the region’s Children’s Miracle Network Hospital, A-RRMC is committed to ensuring good health of children.
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When A-RRMC received approval to expand its NICU in response to an increase in patient use, planning officials examined materials that fit into sustainability goals for the renovation. They were also challenged to meet high standards of care, including a transition from a big open nursery to individual patient rooms, and to attain LEED® certification. To help achieve these sustainability and care goals, the building team turned to nora® flooring for the NICU, installing a warm, soothing design to provide patients and families with the quiet and healthy atmosphere they require. The durability of 3mm noraplan environcare™ flooring has served the busy NICU well, holding up to the space’s fast-paced environment. Additionally, hospital staff are enjoying the cushioning and underfoot comfort the flooring provides them, noting that they would like to see nora flooring in future renovations.