Industry & Life Science

Representative Spaces

Representative spaces such as reception areas are the business card for any business. Design and aesthetics play a particularly important role here. Of course, in these areas, floors must be easy to clean and, due to the high traffic, must be particularly resistant. nora flooring system solutions with special inlays offer exceptional possibilities for representative individualization.

Industrie Rep area

Training centre with norament 926 arago floor covering

Industrie Rep area

Entrance area with lounge character: the grey noraplan uni floor covering emphasises the purist look

Industrie Rep area

Industrie Rep area

norament 926 argo offers a biophilic element in the design of the entrance area at the culture centre

Suitable products

norament® 926 grano

Rubber flooring for extremely heavy traffic areas, with a granular design rich in contrast and hammerblow surface or cubic structure.

norament® 926 satura

Rubber flooring for extremely heavy traffic areas, with hammerblow surface and tone-in-tone granular design

norament® 926 arago

Flat, direction-oriented relief structure with fine granules and modern marbling design for maximum demands. No two tiles are the same – each square meter is totally unique.

noraplan® unita

Rubber floor covering with a perfect combination of permanently resilient rubber and randomly dispersed granite chips. The fine scatter of chips in noraplan® unita lends it a discreet appearance. The design is deliberately purist and simple.

noraplan® sentica

Rubber floor covering with a changing base colour of harmoniously matched colour components.

noraplan® lona

Rubber flooring in a filigree design with contrasting colours and accents. Silk-matte surface with subtle texture and visual depth.

How to contact us
Flooring Finder
Room Designer
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