nora academy

nora academy

This programme is intended for employees during the initial phase of their employment at nora systems. It imparts comprehensive knowledge about the production and sales of our products. The four-day on-site training courses in German and English are supplemented with brochures with basic, in-depth and practical knowledge as well as e-learning.

Massimo Piccione: Find the right path for you

The programmes offered by the nora academy

nora academy initial

nora academy individual
nora academy individual
The second building block of nora academy individual includes all assignment-related further training courses, which teach specific knowledge and in this way improve the work satisfaction and work quality of all members of staff. The spectrum ranges from language courses, IT courses and teaching specialist knowledge up to training in laying flooring.

nora academy intensive
nora academy intensive

The further education programme called nora academy intensive includes the nora academy advanced and nora academy technology training programmes.

Both consist of longer-term development objectives. The nora academy advanced international programme offers coordinated seminar building blocks and workshops focussing on management, communication and creativity. Their duration is for one and a half years and includes practice-oriented project work.

The nora academy technology programme is intended for our staff in the technical departments such as manufacturing, quality management, maintenance and logistics. During a period of six months participants lean about the entire production process at first hand and work in a project team.


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nora® and its employees make annual donation to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

22. febrero 2019
EE.UU. | Empresa

nora® and its employees recently made a fourth donation to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. The $5,200 gift is the result of a matching gift program that invited employees to donate $1 every pay period to the hospital. Since May of 2014, nora® employees and the company have donated $27,600 to the pediatric treatment and research facility.

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