nora academy
transition line

nora Employee Development

The competitive strength of nora systems is largely due to the motivation and expert knowledge of our employees throughout the world. In order to prepare our employees for today´s challenges in a rapidly changing environment with increasing complexity, we have created the nora academy, a comprehensive training and advanced education program. This means that our employees are given the opportunity to experience professional and personal development within nora. We believe this is the basis for a positive and motivational work environment and is, as such, indispensable. We, at nora, have developed and implemented an innovative employee development program over the past few years.

We consider that the combination of both elements is a major competitive factor for nora systems, not only in our global sales markets, but particularly when it comes to hiring and retaining dedicated employees who provide the solutions that make us so special.

nora systems Employer Branding

New standards for Employee Development – Three years of “nora systems Employer Branding”

Four years ago, the “nora systems Employer Branding” project was launched as a long-term, sustainable project. 
Comments from the responsible nora systems management team:

Christa Hoffmann and Thomas Haag, in an interview on results, developments and further prospects...

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