Without floor coatings a simple and inexpensive cleaning for the coming decades ahead

no floor waxing

Did you know that about 90 % of the cost of a floor comes from the perpetual care and maintenance over its entire service life? Chemicals, coatings, and special equipment make cleaning both complex and costly – impacting your operational optimization, and efficiency.

The non-porous, highly dense surface of nora rubber flooring makes cleaning easy to handle – as it’s coating-free and requires little more than water to keep looking new. When it comes to economical cleaning, nora is leading, because you don't need to floor coatings.

Promote health and wellness in your building without floor waxing

You want those who inhabit your facility everyday to be able to breathe easy. By eliminating floor waxing, floor coatings, and chemicals from your maintenance to-do list, you’re enhancing indoor air quality, attendance, general health and wellness, as well as optimizing your operations. nora can deliver this.

Our specially developed nora pads are covered with microscopically small diamonds – and with a standard single-disk machine and clear water, these pads will keep your floor looking brand new, without chemicals or floor waxing.

This is how the non-porous, high durable floor surface is created

Rubber floor coverings from nora have a non-porous, extremely durable surface that is unmatched in the resilient flooring market. This is a result of three components:

  1. The proprietary nora rubber formula, made of high-quality materials.

  2. State-of-the-art production technology that works with pressures of up to 1200 t/m2.

  3. Post-crosslinking of the surfaces in the factory with nora cleanguard technology. As a result, nora flooring systems can be easily cleaned simply by wiping them off. No floor waxing needed.

How to contact us
Flooring Finder
Room Designer
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