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Our Strategy

Our brand promise is “Creating Safer Spaces”. We create integral solutions for our customers, which go well beyond our highly functional rubber floor coverings. This is why we carefully analyse the requirements of our customers in the market segments which are demonstrating strong growth, namely health care and education, industrial and public buildings as well as the transport system.

We find solutions with added value in every phase of installing a floor, examining the complete lifecycle of the floor and the resulting requirements placed on it. On this basis we fit our floors with additional benefits increasing their value. For example our floors contribute to improved employee health as a result of ergonomic considerations. Our colour concepts are discussed with scientists to support colour schemes promoting healing in hospitals. In addition, our cleaning experts are involved with new long-term cleaning approaches without using cleaning products.

As a global team we have set ourselves the task of making the floor an added value solution for our customers. This is the extra certainty appreciated by our customers when they work with us.

Our Values

Customer Orientation
诺拉代表了对优异品质永不妥协的追求。 我们的目标是始终为客户创造可持续的、独一无二的价值;只有当他们完全满意的时候,我们才能满意。 为了实现这个目标,我们不仅凭借卓越的产品,也依靠在项目规划和项目落实的过程中,为客户和合作伙伴提供坚实的支持。 在这个过程中,我们会调整服务内容,适应客户的个性化需求。

作为一个团队,我们知道只有注重承诺、责任感和可靠性,才能成功合作。 我们公司内部员工的日常交往,以及与公司外部合作伙伴和客户的沟通和合作都是建立在相互尊重的基础之上的。

我们不仅生产和销售产品,也着力打造更好的橡胶地板。 质量、创新能力、可持续性和为客户创造高效用价值,正是我们如何行动的驱动力。 我们能够做到这一点是因为我们营造了一个 诚信并具有建设性的工作 氛围。  对于我们的业务伙伴 ,我们将 忠诚置于至高无上的地位,所以过去七十年里我们 始终赢得了客户的信赖。

Open Mindedness
不断发展是我们作为一家公司保持存续的先决条件。 我们的创新精神不仅仅局限于开发新产品。 我们相信, 创新也意味着我们需要向市场、客户或他人等各个领域不断的学习。 

我们根扎在德国, 但我们思想和行动遍布全世界。 责任不只是一个词,而是我们的指导原则, 包括员工的可靠性, 我们对员工的义务,以及对整个社会和环境的责任。 
