Flooring for Fire Safety1,2 in Schools

fire protection

If there is a fire in a school, kindergarten, or university every second counts. The fire and smoke properties of the materials used in construction are important. nora rubber floor coverings are flame-retardant1 and fire-toxicologically safe2

Fire Toxicological Safety2

The fire behavior of nora floor coverings is regularly checked. The floors are demonstrably fire-toxicologically safe according to DIN 53 436.

Avoid Smoke-Filled Escape Routes and Save Lives

Smoke impedes visibility and makes escape from dangerous areas more difficult. The primary goal of building ordinances and fire safety regulations is to prevent the spread of fire and smoke in a building. For this reason, special requirements are placed on construction materials, especially when planning escape routes.

nora rubber floors meet the requirements of the strict regulations. They are highly flame retardant according to European standard EN 13 501. The decomposition effluents from nora coverings are also non toxic according to the German standard DIN 53 436.


1) nora floor coverings are highly flame retardant according to European standard EN 13 501.
2) The decomposition effluents from nora coverings are non toxic according to the German standard DIN 53 436.

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